Navigating the Icebergs: What a Servant Leader Must Steer Clear Of Deciphering Servant Leadership

Servant leadership, a paradigm that prioritizes the growth and well-being of the team over the pursuit of organizational objectives, fundamentally reshapes traditional leadership dynamics. Rooted in power-sharing, prioritizing others, and placing a human face on workplace interactions, this approach can be transformative. However, servant leaders must also be acutely aware of the pitfalls that can undermine this leadership style.

Shunning the Autocrat's Throne

The first pitfall a servant leader should dodge is adopting an autocratic stance. Servant leadership is driven by humility, empathy, and service, not by command and control. Employing forceful leadership, issuing orders, or making unilateral decisions contradicts the essence of servant leadership. Instead, servant leaders must create an inclusive culture where every team member's voice matters.

Bypassing Personal Evolution

While a servant leader is focused on their team's development, personal growth should never be relegated to the sidelines. Constant self-improvement is vital as it helps leaders stay abreast of new trends, innovate, and adapt, thereby enhancing their capacity to lead effectively. Striking a balance between personal and team development is a skill every servant leader must master.

Dodging Delegation

In their endeavor to serve, servant leaders may fall into the trap of doing everything themselves. This practice is not only unsustainable but also undermines the team's chance to learn, evolve, and showcase their capabilities. Delegation is essential in a servant leader's toolkit, as it empowers the team, bolsters their confidence, and instills a sense of responsibility.

Disregarding Feedback

Servant leaders must never neglect feedback, whether from team members, peers, or superiors. Feedback offers crucial insights that can refine leadership practices and elevate team performance. Neglecting feedback could lead to missed growth opportunities and erode trust within the team.

Eclipsing Accountability

Though servant leadership emphasizes compassion and understanding, it doesn't mean tolerating poor performance or misconduct. A servant leader must not hesitate to hold team members accountable for their actions. Accountability ensures fairness, upholds integrity, and clarifies expectations within the team.

Crossing Boundaries

In their zeal to serve, servant leaders might inadvertently overstep personal and professional boundaries, potentially leading to burnout or strained relationships. Respecting boundaries is paramount, ensuring that the intent to support doesn't infringe upon personal space or individual autonomy.

Abdicating Decision-Making

While servant leadership applauds power-sharing, it should not lead to abdication of decision-making responsibilities. Leaders often have to make tough calls in the team's and organization's best interest. Hence, being decisive when needed is a critical aspect of servant leadership.


Understanding the don'ts is as vital for a servant leader as understanding the dos. By sidestepping these potential pitfalls, servant leaders can more effectively empower their teams, foster a positive work environment, and lead their organizations towards success. The power of servant leadership lies not in flawless execution but in the continuous journey of growth, service, and ethical conduct, all aimed at enhancing the team and organization.

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